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Our education packages

Our school visits are both educational and fun, with interesting interactive talks delivered by experienced knowledgeable staff. We have three packages to choose from and three guided talks. However, if you do not see exactly what you want, we can tailor our talks to suit your current curriculum topic.


This is a self-guided tour.

Admission only. £7.75 per child.

One adult free per five children.


Admission and one guided talk.

 £8.25 per child. One adult free per five children.


Admission and two guided talks.

£8.75 per child. One adult free per five children.

Additional adults £11.00 each inc. VAT. Minimum booking 15 people.

This applies to all packages.

Find out about our talks

How to book

Before completing a booking form please email education@butterflyhouse.co.uk us to check availability. Then simply download and complete our booking form and return it to us by email.

This sensory story helps to prepare children with autism for the sights, sounds, tastes, textures and smells that they may experience during their visit.

Win a free return trip!

Following your visit to us we would love to see the children use the knowlege they have gained, and work together on a conservation project. It could be drawings, paintings, photos, a model, research data, or making your very own school bug hotel. All entries submitted to us will be in with the chance to win a free return visit. 

*The decision of our Conservation Team will be final. You can submit photos/ videos of your class project. The winning school will receive a free visit the following year on your chosen date. The free return will cover the amount of paid for pupils and adults from your previous visit, any additional pupils and adults will be charged at our normal school rate. 

For more information, to join our mailing list or to book a visit contact us:

education@butterflyhouse.co.uk | www.butterflyhouse.co.uk/education

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We love bringing our classes to visit the butterfly house because it gives them real-life experiences - which develops their knowledge and understanding of non-native species and habitats. The workshops are carefully tailored to the correct level and staff allow children to ask a range of questions about a wide range of animals - they have a deeper subject knowledge than any class teacher. They deliver practical curriculum experiences that are impossible to recreate in the classroom ensuring that new knowledge is embedded in children's long term memory. Every part of the visit is really well organised and teachers are well supported so that children and staff know they are safe even with a large site.

Helen Adams, Headteacher, Bradfield Dungworth Primary School

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Wildlife conservation at the heart of everything we do

Wildlife conservation at the heart of everything we do